Building Service : Telephone



The mean of telecommunication is the transmission of messages, over significant distances for the purpose of communication.

The mean of telephone is describes the long distance transmission of information without changing the content of such information.  A telephone is any device which conveys sound over a distance.  A standard dictionary defines the telephone as ‘an apparatus for reproducing sound, especially that of the voice, at a great distance, by means of electricity; consisting of transmitting and receiving instruments connected by a line or wire which conveys the electric current.’

The components of telecommunication system

  1. Sender / Transmitter

The sender or transmitter used for creating information and takes information ; converts it to a signal

  1. Channel / Transmission medium

The channel or transmission medium used for carries the signal and information will be sent through it.

  1. Receiver

The receiver used for takes the signal from the channel and converts it back into usable information..  That also receives information transmitted without any changes.



The difference between analog and digital communication

Analog communication Digital Communication
1.Continuous waveform Discrete waveform
2.Voice signal is transmitted over conventional telephone system as variation in the line voltage along copper cables. 2.A signal can be represented by a series of 1 and 0 and transmitted
3.Used for voice communication 3Used for data communication

How the telecommunication system work?


A main distribution frame is a signal distribution frame or cable rack used in telephony to interconnect and manage telecommunication wiring between itself and any number of intermediate distribution frames and cabling from the telephony network it support.


For domestic building overhead cable entry is usually provided.  For larger commercial building the cable connection from outside enters the building from underground.  For single domestic building the telephone cable is in form of a twisted pair.  For larger building with many telephone extension, a room adjacent to the MDF room is provided to house the private automatic branch exchange equipment.


Cable television (CATV) is a system of delivering telkevision programming to paying subscribers via radio frequency signals transmitted through coaxial cable or in the 2010, light pulses through fiber optic cable.

CATV(Community Access Television)

It originally stood for Community Access Television or Community Antenna Television, from cable television’s origins in 1948. In areas where over-the-air TV reception was limited by distance from transmitters or mountainous terrain, large “community
antennas” were constructed, and cable was run from them to individual homes.

Cable television is a system of delivering television programming to paying
subscribers via radio frequency (RF) signals transmitted through coaxial cables or, in the
2010s, light pulses through fiber-optic cables. This contrasts with broadcast television, in
which the television signal is transmitted over the air by radio waves and received by
a television antenna attached to the tv.


A cable channel/network is a television network available via cable television. When
available through satellite television, including direct broadcast satellite providers
such as ASTRO as well as via IPTV, it is referred to as a satellite channel.





What is power system??

  • Solar power system is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, through directly using photovoltaic (PV). Photovoltaic convert light into electric current using the photoelectric effect.
  • Solar energy is energy which radiant heat and energy from the sun using ever-evolving technologies. Like solar heating, solar photovoltaic, solar architecture.

How do solar system produce energy??

  • Producing solar power is just as simple as using the sunlight that heats the surface of the earth. it must be captured so it can be turned into an usable energy source. At the earth’s surface, it is called infrared radiation where it is captured through the aid of photovoltaic or solar plate
Photovoltaic Cell



Application of solar system


Application of solar system




Various daily life solar energy application are available like:

  • Solar water heater
Solar water heater



  • Solar cooker
Solar cooker



  • Solar cells
solar cell

Factors for Designing of a solar Power System


  1. Where to use the solar system, how about the solar irradiation condition in the area.
  2. Total loading power(KW), and daily consumption (KWH).
  3. What will be the system output voltage required?
  4. Working time on each day for the solar system.
  5. System Backup days in continuous raining and cloudy condition.


Type of Solar Power System

  • Directly connected DC solar power system
Directly connected DC solar power system



  • Stand-alone hybrid solar power system with generator  battery backup
Stand-alone hybrid solar power system with generator and battery backup


  • Grid- connected solar power cogeneration system
Grid- connected solar power cogeneration system





The word ‘gas’ is defined under Act 501 as “methane, propane, butane or hydrocarbon or containing one or more of the above either in gas or liquid form’.

Gas is one of the four fundamental states of matter (another is solid, liquid and plasma.

A pure gas is made up of individual atoms (neon), elemental molecules (oxygen) or compound molecules (carbon dioxide).

Figure 1: The natural gas production, transmission and distribution system


The gas will be channeled to the Gas Separation Unit in which carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide in the gas are remove to avoid freezing and clogging from happening in the Liquidation Unit.

Next, the gas is channel to the drying unit in which bubbles of steam will be removed. Subsequently, the gas will be delivered to Fragmentation Unit to be broken down into various components such as ethane and propane are used as refrigerant, while benzene paraffin will be removed to avoid freezing and clogging occurs during the liquidation process.

The remaining gas will be delivered to the Liquidation Unit where it will be liquefied by cooling it to a temperature of –161’C by using coolant.



  • Natural gas occurs deep beneath the earth’s surface.
  • Natural gas consists mainly of methane, a compound with one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms.
  • Natural gas also contains small amounts of hydrocarbon gas liquidsand non-hydrocarbon gases.
  • We use natural gas as a fuel and to make materials and chemicals.
Figure 2: Petroleum and natural gas formation



  1. Residential

Require energy on a constant basis to heat our water, cook our food, warm our homes, and generate our electricity. The most common use for natural gas around the home is for furnaces and hot water tanks. Natural gas can also be used to operate various household appliances, including stoves, clothes dryers, fireplaces, and barbecues.

  1. Commercial

Schools, office buildings, hotels, restaurants and many other commercial enterprises use natural gas. As with residences, these enterprises use the gas mainly for heating, cooling, and cooking. Large commercial enterprises are also beginning to use natural gas for on-site electricity generation as an economical alternative to purchasing electricity off-site.

  • Industrial

Natural gas has numerous uses in the petroleum refining, metal, chemical, plastic, food processing, glass and paper industries. The ingredients for plastic, anti-freeze, fertilizer, and fabric products are formed through the use of natural gas by-products. The fact that natural gas is one of the cleanest, cheapest, and most efficient sources of energy makes it easy to see why it is so commonly used.




  1. Transmission pipelines.
  • A transmission pipeline transports the natural gas from the Gas Processing Plant (GPP) to the distribution center and to larger volume customers.
  • This transmission pipeline ends at the city gate station and transports the natural gas within the storage field.


  1. Distribution pipelines.
  • A distribution pipeline supplies and distributes the natural gas from the city gate station to the end-users.
  • Normally, the pressure of the natural gas would be reduced and the gas is odorized for safety purpose at the city gate station.
Figure 3: Typical natural gas chain transmission and distribution system (CEPA)



  • Approximately 2583 km of high pressure natural gas transmission pipeline in the Peninsular Malaysia is solely managed by PETRONAS Gas Berhad (PGB).
  • This natural gas transmission pipeline, known as Peninsular Gas Utilisation (PGU), serves as the backbone of Peninsular Malaysia’ natural gas supply infrastructure.
  • The pipelines are operated and maintained by PETRONAS Gas Berhad (PGB).
  • Technically, the natural gas utilized in the National Gas Power Generation is supplied by the PGB through the PGU system which is connected to the Power Generation facilities.
Figure 4: Peninsular Gas Utilisation (PGU) system (PETRONAS Gas Berhad, 2013)



  • LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) describes flammable hydrocarbon gases including propane, butane and mixtures of these gases.
  • LPG, liquefied through pressurisation, comes from natural gas processing and oil refining.
  • LPG is used as heating, cooking and auto fuel.
  • In different countries, what is supplied can be propane, butane or propane-butane blends.





  • Local distribution companies typically transport natural gas from delivery points located on interstate and intrastate pipelines to households and businesses through thousands of miles of small-diameter distribution pipe.
  • The delivery point where the natural gas is transferred from a transmission pipeline to the local gas utility is often termed the ‘citygate’, and is an important market center for the pricing of natural gas in large urban areas.
Figure 5: Natural gas distribution system


Figure 6: LPG distribution chain






Electrical and Lighting System

Let's Explore Science... Turn on the Light
Physical Science


In aspect atomic theory of principles electricity, everything in the universe is made up of matter that exist as liquid, solid or gas.  Matter can be broken down into small particles that called atoms.  An atom is made up of protons (positive charge), neutrons (negative charge) and electrons (no charge). Protons and neutrons are gathered together in the center of the atom.  While, electrons spin around the nucleus in an orbit.  Have three condition such as neutral charge if an atom has the same number of electrons and protons, negatively charge if an atom has more electrons than proton and positively charge if an atom has less electrons than proton.



In aspect flow of principles electricity, get two type flow such as current flow (current was assumed to flow through a conductor from positive to negative (+>>-).  While, electron flow (electrons flow from the negative terminal of a power supply towards the positive terminal of the power supply through an electrical circuit (->>+).


In aspect circuit of principles electricity, have three type circuit such as series (one path only), parallel (more than one path) and combination (both of series and parallel).

Series Circuit Parallel Circuit Combination Circuit
-Has two or more loads connected, one after the other

-Is the single current path, no any branches

-Removing or adding loads to a parallel circuit does not affect any other load in the circuit.

-Has more than one path

-Is a combination of the series and parallel circuits

-Some section of the circuit are series and other are parallel.


In aspect Ohm’s law, voltage, current and resistance are present in all operational circuits and a relationship exists between these things which current flow in a circuit is directly proportional to the voltage across the circuit and inversely proportional to the resistance contained in the circuit.

Formula Ohm’s can be defined as below

V = IR

Voltage = current x resistance

In aspect of source of power generation,  there are six sources of electromotive force such as chemical, light, magnetism, pressure and heat.

Chemical -A battery uses a chemical effect to produce electromotive force.

-The chemical effect is achieved by placing two dissimilar metals into an electrolyte.

-When a battery cell is connected to an external source, its chemical energy will decrease as the cell produces electrical energy.

-When the chemical energy of a dry cell battery has expired it will no longer deliver electrical energy.

-This make it a temporary voltage source.

Light -The sun rays can be used to produce a voltage potential.

-This is achieved using a solar cell (commonly called a photoelectric).

-The solar cell is a thin junction made of two different types of semiconductor materials. -Light falling onto these semiconductors causes electrons to move freely.

-The most common types of semiconductor used are silicon, boron and phosphorus.

Magnetism -The most common way of creating an electromotive force is by using magnetism.

-When a conductor passes through a magnetic field, cutting through a voltage is induced into the conductor.

-Used in wind generators, tidal generation and hydro plants to creating electromotive force.

Heat -The heat effect is the direct conversion of temperature differences to electric voltage and vice versa.

-A heat device creates voltage when there is a different temperature on each side.

-Conversely, when a voltage is applied to it, it creates a temperature difference.

Pressure -The pressure from an electrical circuit’s power source that pushes charged electrons (current) through a conducting loop, enabling them to do work such as illuminating light.


In aspect sequence control circuit,  that mean as the sequence of control and protective devices contain in the main circuit and consumer final circuit.  The sequence control circuit divided into supply part and consumer part.  The supply part include service fuse and neutral link that known as protection against excessive current and limiting consumer current and KWH meter that used for recording power usage and charge. While, the consumer part include interface between utility company and consumer wiring and consist three main devices such as main switch, Residual current circuit breaker and miniature circuit breaker.



Lighting is an important area of opportunity for energy savings, since it is a large fraction of use of electricity in residential and  commercial buildings. Lighting energy use is not a big percentage of overall electric energy used in a manufacturing or industrial plant, but it may  still be a relatively large number of kilowatt-  hours or dollars.

Our oldest lamp is the incandescent lamp, and it is not much different from the first practical lamp that Thomas Edison made.The incandescent lamp contains a resistive filament that is connected directly to the supply voltage.  The filament burns white  hot, and produces a lot of heat and a little bit  of light.Less than 10 percent of the input energy is converted to light.Eventually, even that light energy turns into heat in the space where the lighting is operating.


Lumen – The light output of a lamp is measured in a physical quantity called lumens, abbreviated Lu.

–This value is provided to users as a  catalog or product specification.

–For example, a typical 100 watt  incandescent lamp has a light output of  about 1700 lumens. A typical 1200 mm  fluorescent lamp has a light output of  about 3000 lumens.

Input – The lamp input is in terms of  electrical power and has the units of watts


  • Amount of light required – in Lux (Lu/m2)
  • Lumen output of lamps and fixtures – Lu
  • Energy efficiency – Efficacy in Lumens/watt
  • Color Rendering Index – CRI
  • Color Temperature – in Kelvins
  • Types of light sources
  • Lighting quality

Efficacy of Light Sources


Color temperature


– another physical property of a lamp.

–It is measured in Kelvins,  not degrees.

–The color temperature of  lamp varies from about  2600 to 2800 Kelvins for  an incandescent lamp, to  around 6500 K for a  daylight lamp.

– The color temperature of a lamp tells us  what the light from the lamp looks like.

  • A low color temperature – like 2600 K – means that the light from the lamp appears warm in color – meaning it has a red, yellow or orange tint.
  • A 4100 K lamp is called a cool white lamp, since it appears cool in color –  meaning that it produces  stronger green, blue or  violet colors.


Color Rendering Index (CRI)

Another property of lamps that is related to

how we see different colors under its light.

–The CRI is a number between 0 and 100.

  • The reference standard is a very special incandescent lamp at a lighting laboratory.
  • The light output of this lamp sets the standard for CRI as 100.

–Users can find data on the CRI of lamps in  catalog or product specifications.

– Most incandescent lamps have CRIs in the 95 –  100 range.

– The CRI is generally associated with the quality  of lighting.  The U.S. EPA Green Lights  program rates CRI and lighting quality as  follows:

– CRI and the color temperature of a particular  lamp determine how we see colors under that  lamp.

– For any color  temperature,  the higher the  CRI, the more  closely we see  colors correctly.


Types of Lamps

– Common types of lamps include:


–tungsten halogen (also incandescent)

–compact fluorescent

–full-size fluorescent

–mercury vapor

–metal halide

–high-pressure sodium

–low-pressure sodium




– Except for incandescent lamps (including tungsten halogen lamps), all other lamps are discharge  lamps that require a ballast to start and run the lamps.

–Older ballasts were large, heavy parts  called “coil and core” or magnetic  ballasts, because they contained a coil of  wire wrapped around a heavy iron core.

–Newer ballasts are electronic, and are  lighter, cooler, more efficient, and last longer.




Uses lighting in building?

Lighting by the sunlight is available in every space in a building, even those spaces which have been hardly utilized such as the basement and ground water pit. The sunlight is collected and guided by optical cables to light radiators which are located in intended spaces of a building. The basement has a cistern for water therein to afford a shelter in the case of emergency, while the ground water pit which is also lighted by the conducted sunshine is usable to cultivate fish, plants, and other foodstuffs. The building is annular except for its first floor so that a cylindrical open space is defined there inside and also lighted by the sunlight, thereby introducing the sunlight even into the radially innermost spaces of the sunlight


Pendaflour  lamp are commonly use in educational building like B11, the light that produce by pendaflour lamp are so suitable for work place and studies. The light temperature is not so high and the light are white in colour that are not disturbing the occupant.

Besides, this lamp is more energy saving due to less electrical use rather that other lamp type.This lamp are been used in corridor , classroom, computer lab, office and toilet.

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